CRITIQUE GROUPS AND WHAT TO BRING (this information is also under Schedule/Critique Group tab)

Critique groups are made up of five (5) writers and one industry professional. Writers are asked to read their material out loud (approximately 5-7 minutes). After reading the submission, discussion is then opened up. While the discussion is underway, the writer whose work is being critiqued should listen without trying to explain or justify writing choices.

For those critiquing another writer’s work, we recommend that you first outline what is working in someone’s piece. Then, if needed, dive into suggestions for improvement. Be professional, be constructive and considerate to others in the group.

All Writers Receive the Same Time Allotment

For Picture Book Writers: Given picture books are less than 1,000 words, one picture book per session works well. Since you’re meeting with two mentors / two times for a total of four critique groups, you may choose to make edits and return with a revised version to your next critique group. Or, you may decide to bring another picture book to the next session.

For Middle Grade and Young Adult Writers: We strongly recommend two things: (1) that you provide a two-sentence overview of your story; and (2) start with the first pages of your manuscript. Since you’re meeting with two mentors / two times for a total of four critique groups, you may choose to make edits and return with a revised version to your next critique group. Or, you may decide to bring other pages from your manuscript to the next session.

  • Bring your laptop and copies of what you plan to work on during the weekend. Industry-standard: 12 pt. Times New Roman / double space / indent first sentence of each paragraph. Your first critique group is fifteen minutes after the WELCOME, so bring copies to the WELCOME

  • For each group session, you’ll need six copies of your material to hand out


  • If you’re an illustrator, feel free to bring your artwork for our Illustrator Review and if you’re in a PB critique group, do consider bringing a dummy

  • If you have a personal printer, please bring it

  • Good walking/hiking shoes/hat and gloves (just in case)